Monday, June 13, 2011

1. My face and ankles are swelled up.

2. My face is broken out.

3. I still have a fever.
I n
4. My office is now the hoarder room.

5. I need to clean out my closet so then I can take some stuff out of the hoarder room and put it in the closet.

6. I have to wash the dishes...or have Kel wash them.

7. Dane is still eating her paws.

8. I need to be more cheerful and look at the good things I have done.

9. I have to find my suitcase to go visit my sister.

10. I need to be nicer to my boyfriend.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm watching Buffy season six. Why? Cause it's there. It's the season where she comes back from the dead and things are just wonky for her. Many grown up problems in this season. She has to get a job. Giles isn't watching out for her. Her best friend is dealing with an addiction issues. Anya and Xander are getting married. Dawn is being a terrible teen. It's the season of the musical episode.

I remember watching all of  this and dealing with some pretty vivid emotions of my own at the time. Season five had the excellent episode 'The Body' where there is no music at all. Just words.

One of the biggest issues is that she ends up with Spike. The bad boy. The enemy. The vamp with no soul. He knows she doesn't love him and that this is unrequited but there is that feeling. You know that feeling when you do something you aren't suppose to.

Buffy turns to him because she has no where else to go emotionally. She's also in her early 20's so having a friend with benefits is something realistic that a TV show heroine would do.

This season shows a Buffy who has to deal with the real world as well as demons and vampires. Bills, working a crap job with weird people, the trio of annoying nerds it's all things everyone including non vampire slaying people can relate to.

Dawn realizes that vampire slaying might limit Buffy's career options because of the time and effort she has to dedicate to it. It's an well written moment. And realistic for a fantasy show.

Lots of good things about this show.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Yesterday I walked a mile and a quarter with BF. My head was pounding.  I thought I was going to faint from the heat and humidity. BF ran to the car during the last quater mile to get water for me. I poured it on my head and back.  I felt better and kept moving. 

My hip feels the same as if I had just sat around yesterday. There is no increase in pain. The pain is still there but it is very manageable. That is sort of amazing.

The only thing that hurt was my head. I know now that might have been from a medication the doc increased to help with a different problem. Now that I'm 72 hours out from having the med in my system I think we can attribute the weeklong headache to the med. 

The sun pounding on my head is never a good thing ever. I know now to wear a hat or walk when it's cooler. 

I am thinking I can try walking everyday in addition to my pool work. I do walk the dog twice a day but that's a different sort of walking. It's more like being pulled. 

I know doing the pool helps me sleep. I want to go to sleep. My mind still runs and runs and runs but eventually my body says no! you must sleep now. 

I am sort of amazed at how doing something manageable and reasonable for my body is helping me feel better. Why didn't I do this before?

I am happy at this development. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Random List

1. Call Cleaning company matter what.

2. Haircuts and dentists

3. Mail back old navy pants and get smaller ones.

4. Make plane reservations

5. Finish school work once and for all.

6. Decide how to cull the Carrigg  collection

7. Get more pills for the dog.

8. Work on the whole mystical healing situation

9. Find massage certificate

10 Pay bills

11. Call about rental house for Cory...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Activity Blog

30 minutes in the water
walk dog

chicken sandwich-sweet potato fries
Smart Ones-Piece of Bread
Part of dark chocolate bar
some pretzels....
two pop...

My muscles are a bit sore from the water.
Hip Shot on Thursday......

Thursday, January 13, 2011

stupid guns

Frowns and sighs. I hate emoticons. All I can think is why?

 So senseless. We need accessible mental health care and less accessible guns. 

A four year old shot their mom in Emerson NE today because there was a loaded 38 under his parents' bed. Why the hell do you have a loaded gun in a house with a four year old? At floor level? No word on the condition of the mother. Has nothing to do with the violence of Arizona but why can't we have fewer guns or why can't people use gun locks?

 A friend of mine explained the gun lock to me. Had me practice with it. He also had me shoot it. He showed me the freezer of deer his family eats. He showed me the field of corn he plants for the deer to eat to be healthy and tasty. He explained why the vet uses a gun instead of drugs for a horse or cow that must be put down. He explained why this they don't do this with smaller animals.  His point was to make me that guns can be used sensibly and reasonably. He wanted me to know that not all guns are used for violence. That people like him use them as tools. 

I am still thinking we need less guns. Too many guns. Not enough social workers. 


Hurt is hurt no matter how it happens. Sometimes the worst hurt is from within. No one oerson's pain negates another person's pain. People are very afraid to tell me if they are in pain because I have cancer. They feel embarrassed or weird about it.  I want them to talk to me if they have a hangnail or a hangover. Everyone has a place where they need help to handle stuff large or small or whatever it might be. 

I have to hide things all the time so people don't worry about me. 

I just try not hide it from myself so I can try to work with it. I look at it this way. I grew up a bit broken and in place that didn't really help me with some of my internal issues. In addition to those issues there was some abuse and other external things that almost killed me  I got myself to a place where things got manageable and healthy for me. It took friends, family, and some professional counseling to get me to that place. When I fall apart now sometimes I use the same formula to try to work with my mental issues but now they are complicated by physical issues. It all sucks but I would be nowhere without the support, love, and encouragement of everyone I know. Some of the people I don't know well very well help me by extending me friendship or kindness. It can be a kind word, or a just helping me pick up the books I just dumped on the floor because I can't manage my cane.

I have kindness all around me. I am lucky in this way.