Yesterday I walked a mile and a quarter with BF. My head was pounding. I thought I was going to faint from the heat and humidity. BF ran to the car during the last quater mile to get water for me. I poured it on my head and back. I felt better and kept moving.
My hip feels the same as if I had just sat around yesterday. There is no increase in pain. The pain is still there but it is very manageable. That is sort of amazing.
The only thing that hurt was my head. I know now that might have been from a medication the doc increased to help with a different problem. Now that I'm 72 hours out from having the med in my system I think we can attribute the weeklong headache to the med.
The sun pounding on my head is never a good thing ever. I know now to wear a hat or walk when it's cooler.
I am thinking I can try walking everyday in addition to my pool work. I do walk the dog twice a day but that's a different sort of walking. It's more like being pulled.
I know doing the pool helps me sleep. I want to go to sleep. My mind still runs and runs and runs but eventually my body says no! you must sleep now.
I am sort of amazed at how doing something manageable and reasonable for my body is helping me feel better. Why didn't I do this before?
I am happy at this development.
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