Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm watching Buffy season six. Why? Cause it's there. It's the season where she comes back from the dead and things are just wonky for her. Many grown up problems in this season. She has to get a job. Giles isn't watching out for her. Her best friend is dealing with an addiction issues. Anya and Xander are getting married. Dawn is being a terrible teen. It's the season of the musical episode.

I remember watching all of  this and dealing with some pretty vivid emotions of my own at the time. Season five had the excellent episode 'The Body' where there is no music at all. Just words.

One of the biggest issues is that she ends up with Spike. The bad boy. The enemy. The vamp with no soul. He knows she doesn't love him and that this is unrequited but there is that feeling. You know that feeling when you do something you aren't suppose to.

Buffy turns to him because she has no where else to go emotionally. She's also in her early 20's so having a friend with benefits is something realistic that a TV show heroine would do.

This season shows a Buffy who has to deal with the real world as well as demons and vampires. Bills, working a crap job with weird people, the trio of annoying nerds it's all things everyone including non vampire slaying people can relate to.

Dawn realizes that vampire slaying might limit Buffy's career options because of the time and effort she has to dedicate to it. It's an well written moment. And realistic for a fantasy show.

Lots of good things about this show.

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